+44(0)203 652 5271

Royal Borough of Kensington
& Chelsea
Mediation Service

The Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea is committed to preventing and deterring anti-social behaviour. Mediation is one of a range of measures designed to reduce anti-social behaviour and foster better relations between neighbours in the Borough
Concordian is an independent organisation that offers a simple and informal and confidential process which can help resolve disputes between neighbours quickly and easily. This service is known as Mediation. The service is FREE to tenants of the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea
Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea will, with your consent, refer all appropriate cases to Concordian to see if Concordian can assist you to resolve the issue
The types of problems with neighbours where Concordian can assist you are things like:
- noise
- harassment and intimidation
- boundaries, hedges and fences
- youth nuisance
- parking
- pets
- rubbish , littering and fly-tipping
- shared spaces and
- lifestyle differences
In an appropriate case Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea will pass your details onto Concordian Mediation Services for them to discuss the benefits of mediation with you and assist you in resolving your dispute .

About the Service
Before you can use the RBKC Mediation Service you need to:
know what Mediation is
consent to the Mediation process
be referred by your RBKC Housing Officer
A trained mediator will speak with you on the phone to hear your concerns
They make a similar call to your neighbour to hear their viewpoint also
The Mediator will not take sides in a dispute or decide who is right or wrong
The Mediator will help both neighbours to consider all the options. One option might be to meet each other in a neutral setting, with the mediator present, to discuss how best to resolve things
Mediation can help you to:
clarify what the problem was
understand what was going on for your neighbour
agree what to do next
sort the problem out
List Title
Working Together